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The curriculum of the 技术 Department of York is designed to foster problem solving abilities, 激发对技术的求知欲, 让学生成为有效的内容创造者. Objectives for all courses offered include fostering procedural proficiency when working with computers, 辨别哪些工具适合于给定的任务, 并逐渐熟悉与技术相关的伦理问题.
约克设计店是一个致力于实践的教学和学习空间, 主动学习, 创造力, 和创新, 学生们在哪里可以获得自己动手的空间, 使, 捏造, and building across subject areas and grade levels and in interdisciplinary STEAM experiences. The Design Shop supports robust learning opportunities that ensure York students will be future-ready for the exciting challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.
  • AP计算机科学A

    The AP计算机科学A course is an online course taught asynchronously through One Schoolhouse. 本课程介绍Java编程的关键概念. 分析, 批判性思维的, and problem-solving skills that students develop in this course transfer to programming in other languages as well. The course is designed with the idea that programming should be fun, engaging, and intuitive. Students will learn to apply the main principles of object-oriented software design and programming 使用 classes and objects, 构造函数, 方法, 实例变量和静态变量, 继承, 类层次结构, 和多态. Students work creatively and collaboratively with their classmates to discuss ethical and social issues relating to the use of technology, and develop a solid foundation from which to launch into a wide range of computer science areas. 本课程为学生准备5月份的AP®计算机科学A考试.
  • 代码+设计

    C+D是实践性的, 基于项目的, service-learning course designed to expose students to general computing methodology necessary for all citizens in the 21st century. 而不是专注于一种特定的语言, students will explore multiple platforms while designing and programming computer applications, 移动应用程序, 网站, 机器人, 以及定制的机器. Students will also work on a project that applies technology to serve a real-world audience (such as building exhibits to install at local museums). 
  • 技术Entrepreneuralism

    Technological Entrepreneurialism is a 基于项目的 course for students who have successfully completed the 代码+设计 course and would like to continue their project work independently. Students are charged with incubating and launching a startup beginning with a proposal that addresses the purpose and audience for the project. Students follow the design-thinking process and document their work in a website they create. The Design Shop is available for students to collaborate, prototype, test, and deliver their work.


  • 凯文 Brookhouser的照片
    凯文 Brookhouser
    技术总监 & 创新
  • 邱恩慈摄


自1959年以来, bet365中文网址 has created an exceptional college-prep experience for our youth: inspiring them to develop intellectual curiosity; challenging them to create and try new things; and preparing them to be passionate contributors in college and in life.