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The arts play an important role in the life of bet365中文网址.  bet365最新网址所有的学生都在一定程度上参加艺术活动,许多人都参与了广泛的艺术活动.  在表演艺术中, bet365最新网址提供四个音乐团体-合唱团, 室合唱团, 爵士乐队, 和 Strings—as well as our theatre program, which presents at least one production each year.  近年来, 合唱团的学生有机会参加南加州巡回演出,其中包括在迪斯尼乐园和圣巴巴拉教会的演出, 和 performing concerts in the Carmel Mission Basilica.  去年, bet365最新网址戏剧专业的学生有幸制作了这部非百老汇音乐剧的业余首演 背诵爱丽丝,由获得托尼奖和格莱美奖的邓肯·谢克、史蒂文·萨特和杰西·尼尔森组成.

In the visual arts we offer classes in drawing, painting, 和 digital photography.  艺术工作室是探索和庆祝约克学校高度重视的多样性的好地方.  bet365最新网址的猎鹰队横扫当地的比赛,如卡梅尔艺术协会的青年“热爱艺术”比赛," 和 the Carl Cherry Center for the Art's "大声思考" Regional Art Competition.  bet365最新网址所有的班级, 乐团, 作品的设计既适合初学的学生,也适合高年级的学生.  Beginning students often discover hidden talents in themselves, 在艺术方面有特殊才能的学生——包括那些可能考虑在这一领域上大学或从事专业工作的学生——将在bet365最新网址找到许多丰富的机会.
bet365最新网址的视觉和表演艺术课程为学生提供了观察世界和表达创造力的新途径. They build better problem solving skills 和 strengthen their confidence, as well as develop passions 和 hobbies that resurface throughout their lives.


  • 斯宾塞·威廉姆斯摄

    斯宾塞 威廉姆斯 

    艺术 Department Chair; Director of Performing 艺术
  • 杰拉德·马丁摄

    杰拉德 马丁 

  • 伊恩·马丁摄

    伊恩 马丁 



We inspire 和 prepare a diverse community of creative, independent thinkers.
自1959年以来, bet365中文网址 has created an exceptional college-prep experience for our youth: inspiring them to develop intellectual curiosity; challenging them to create 和 try new things; 和 preparing them to be passionate contributors in college 和 in life.